Saturday, January 10, 2009


The heart is symbolic of moral, spiritual and the emotional, the soul, the human mind and repesentational to love.

The word "contained" came from another blog spot - Illustration Friday. you can visit "static pencil" to see my drawing there too. I then thought about how contained one has to be sometimes when the body within is feeling totally illogical when hormones are raging or starting to change. I begun to draw the picture of this heart with the feelings that race around, the emotions that we keep hidden. A feeling of a whirl of energy within creating a need to manage how we feel when at times to either run away and be alone, a crazy desire to cry, shout, scream is trying to be contained. Then when we do say something that sounded sensible to you but to the other person listening didnt make sense, a feeling of more bewilderment and self talk. Is this familiar to you? My picture expresses for me the floating heart trying to keep calm and ride the waves of hormones once again as the pulsating heart swirls and spirals trying to catch me out in one of those moments that creep up during the month.